What Art Means to Me
I feel within an impulse, perhaps that divine impulse which has moved all races in all ages and in all climes, to record in enduring form the emotions that stir within.
I may model these emotions in clay, carve them in wood, hew them in stone, or forge them in steel. I may weave them in textiles, paint them on canvas, or voice them in song; but whichever I do I must harken always to the song of the lark and the melody of the forest and stream and respond to the color of the rose and the structure of the lily, so that my creation may be in accord with God's laws and the universal laws of order, perfect fitness and harmony.
Moreover, I must make my creation good and honest and true, so that it may be a credit to me and live after I am dead, revealing to others something of the pleasure which I found in its making.
Then will my creation be Art whether I be poet or painter, blacksmith or cobbler, for I shall have labored honestly and lovingly in the realization of an ideal.
~~~ C. Valentine Kirby
I hereby dedicate this space as a chronicle of this divine creative impulse as it speaks through me. I wish to share the beauty and joy of my life with others, and work to serve as a resonating chamber for all of the small gifts of beauty I see every day.
I dedicate myself and my art to play and dance. I want to bring to this world a sense of awe and the jingling of bells. I wish to reveal to others something of the pleasure which I find in the making of this life. I hope that by sharing myself here, I can spread that light, and welcome others to dance with me.
~~~ Samantha
July 30, 2008
I dedicate myself and my art to play and dance. I want to bring to this world a sense of awe and the jingling of bells. I wish to reveal to others something of the pleasure which I find in the making of this life. I hope that by sharing myself here, I can spread that light, and welcome others to dance with me.
~~~ Samantha
July 30, 2008
Long may the tinkling of bells sound joyfully in the space around you, dear heart.
Thank you for your invitation to the dance of beauty, joy, and art. I'm looking forward to it.
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