December 1, 2008

Surrender Into Om

In this perfect moment, you have found me.

I have no great stories to tell you.
I have no riddles,
No parables to enchant your mind.

I cannot clothe you,
for I am naked.

I cannot feed you.
I have no bread.

I can offer you only my voice,
My tone,
My mantra.

That sound contains all that I have.
I have nothing.
I have all that is needed.

I offer you the gift of surrender.

It is the only thing to teach.
It is the only thing to have,
And with it comes infinity.

Laugh! Sing! Dance!

This moment is perfect!
Enjoy it!

Taste it, Smell it,
Feel its luscious softness,
Hear its divine laughter.

But not for the camera.
You are not performing right now.
Nobody's looking.

Come, play with me in this perfect moment.
Allow yourself to be amazed.
Allow yourself to be in awe.

Everything is perfect.
There is nowhere else to be.
There is nothing to be planned,
Or arranged,
Or solved.

We are here.
Right now.
And it is perfect.

Come dance with me, my Beloved.

Let my drum carry your feet,
And together we we will create this moment's perfection.
Let us dance ourselves into ecstasy!

We grasp hands.
We spin and spin and spin.
Nothing exists except each other and our spinning.

Faster and faster,
Our own smiles reflected back in each other's eyes,
Our faces and hearts offered up to the sky.

We fall to the ground, and dissolve into dizzy laughter.

Come breathe with me, my beloved.

Your exhale is my inhale.
I will take those things you no longer need,
And infuse you with those things you find missing.

Oh my sweet Beloved,
This moment too,
Is perfect.

Come lie here with me,
And let us surrender to the Mother.

She will hold us.
She will breathe with us.
She will dace upon us in all of her power and glory.

Come lie here with me,
And we will be transformed.

We will be composted.
We will be consumed.
We will be reborn.

She will take everything you offer to her,
She will absorb it into her dark, mossy dampness.
She will devour your demons if you let her.

Shed yourself into the earth.
Dissolve, and be free.

Come b athe with me, my Beloved.

Come crawl to the River.
Slip with me into the icy water,
And let it take your breath away.

Come with me beneath the waterfall.

Feel its power and force fall onto your crown.
The water is in your eyes, in your nose, in your mouth.
It is heavy, and cold, and powerful.

Stand in it.
Let it flow through you.

Stand in it,
And become a vessel.

Let it fill and overflow you.
Let it flow from your hair,
And form into streams and rivers on your skin.

Let it fill you, overflow you,
Become a vessel.

This vessel, this bowl,
This crystal chalice that is you has a sound,
A resonance within it.

I will run my finger around you, my Beloved,
And you will resonate with the universe.

The sound that comes forth is divine,
and it is you.

Say yes!
And surrender into

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